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Hortus Vitae

jardin de la terra | living the garden | 2020 | les jardines du festival | Chaumont

The egg stands for the perfection of nature and its balance. At the origin of every living thing, it stands for fertility. An unusual ornamental garden takes up the form of an egg. It clearly stands out from the traditional gardens: decorative plants mingle with fertile plants that nourish body and mind, creating an “impressionist” garden, a realm of mixtures, full of colors and fragrances. On the other side of the path that crosses the grounds is a wild garden that expands and is designed like a flowering meadow. The ornamental and wild gardens are two different aspects of Mother Earth, both sharing the diversity and mixture of species. They bear witness to harmonious and balanced coexistence The choice of plants shows more than just a simple aesthetic purpose: it springs from a sustainable and ecological vision with the aim of promoting biodiversity. The presence of an arbor and animals, all made of woven willow, establishes a link between the visitor and the plant world. The walk between them becomes a sensual, immersive, and instructive experience that helps to rethink the relationship between man and nature and opens new horizons leading to a possible rebirth.